Improved detection of existing CodeQL setups during at scale rollouts
Improved detection of existing CodeQL setups during at scale rollouts
Improved detection of existing CodeQL setups during at scale rollouts
Code scanning now allows configuring rulesets to prevent pull requests from being merged (beta)
As a proactive measure to protect availability, GitHub Apps that attempt to create high-complexity scoped installation tokens will receive failures if they would individually reference too many repositories. At…
We listened to your feedback and released new versions (v4) of actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact. While this version of the actions to upload and download artifacts includes up to 10x performance improvements and several new features, there are also key differences from previous versions that may require updates to your workflows.
This blog post describes two linked vulnerabilities found in Frigate, an AI-powered security camera manager, that could have enabled an attacker to silently gain remote code execution.
Secret scanning detects secrets in GitHub pull requests
Customers using GitHub Enterprise Server can gain more insight and understanding into the security of their code.
Secret scanning now detects new secrets in GitHub Discussion content
The GitHub Security Lab examined the most popular open source software running on our home labs, with the aim of enhancing its security. Here’s what we found and what you can do to better protect your own smart home.
Dependabot auto-triage rules support CVE IDs and GHSA IDs
GitHub Actions – Enforcing workflow scope when creating a release
Dependabot user-defined rules for security updates and alerts; enforcement of auto-triage rules and presets for organizations (public beta)
Repository rule insights now make finding more details about how someone merged specific code into your repos even easier. 🔍 Filter by status If you want only to see bypassed…
Make quick work of alerts with preset and custom rules.
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