Search results for: REST API
Enable or disable private vulnerability reporting on repositories via REST API
Enable or disable private vulnerability reporting on repositories via REST API
Get repository security advisories for your organization via REST API
Get repository security advisories for your organization via REST API
Improving the code scanning REST API `updated_at` field
Improving the code scanning REST API `updated_at` field
Request a CVE identifier for your repository security advisory via REST API
Request a CVE identifier for your repository security advisory via REST API
Add collaborators to a draft security advisory with the REST API
Add collaborators to a draft security advisory with the REST API
Code security enablement settings on the list organization repositories REST API
Code security enablement settings on the list organization repositories REST API
Enable secret scanning with the enterprise-level REST API
Enable secret scanning with the enterprise-level REST API
Code scanning organization-level REST API is available for public repositories
Code scanning organization-level REST API is available for public repositories
To infinity and beyond: enabling the future of GitHub’s REST API with API versioning
We’re introducing calendar-based versioning for our REST API, so we can keep evolving our API, whilst still giving integrators a smooth migration path and plenty of time to update their integrations.
Dependabot alerts REST API is now available in public beta
Dependabot alerts REST API is now available in public beta
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