Search results for: REST API

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Kubernetes at GitHub

Over the last year, GitHub has gradually evolved the infrastructure that runs the Ruby on Rails application responsible for and We reached a big milestone recently: all web…

Disable GitHub Projects

Disabling projects

Not every team manages their work on GitHub in the same way. Now you can disable repository and organization-wide Projects if you’re not using them. Users with admin privileges on…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Orchestrator at GitHub

GitHub uses MySQL to store its metadata: Issues, Pull Requests, comments, organizations, notifications and so forth. While git repository data does not need MySQL to exist and persist, GitHub’s service…

The shape of open source

At its core, open source is about collaboration. Whether it’s version control, licenses, or issue trackers—everything exists to support people working with each other. Open source embodies a model for…

GitHub’s CSP journey

We shipped subresource integrity a few months back to reduce the risk of a compromised CDN serving malicious JavaScript. That is a big win, but does not address related content…

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