How to build a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions in four simple steps
A quick guide on the advantages of using GitHub Actions as your preferred CI/CD tool—and how to build a CI/CD pipeline with it.
A quick guide on the advantages of using GitHub Actions as your preferred CI/CD tool—and how to build a CI/CD pipeline with it.
GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners can now disable automatic updates
The dependency graph helps developers and maintainers understand the code they depend on, and now includes GitHub Actions!
GitHub Actions: Reusable workflows can be referenced locally
We’re excited to announce the V4 release of the OpenSSF’s Scorecard project in partnership with Google.
GitHub Actions: Prevent GitHub Actions from approving pull requests
GitHub Actions – Update on OIDC based deployments to AWS
GitHub Actions: Jobs running on `windows-latest` are now running on Windows Server 2022.
GitHub Actions: Changing the search order for self-hosted runners
When you want to create a workflow in the Actions tab of your repository, the recommendations are now based on an analysis of repo content.
GitHub Actions: Improvements to GitHub Actions starter experience
GitHub Pages: using GitHub Actions for builds and deployments for public repositories
GitHub Actions: GitHub-hosted runners now run Node.js 16 by default
GitHub Actions: Changes to permissions in workflows triggered by Dependabot
Container signing added to the Publish Docker Container workflow for GitHub Actions
GitHub has partnered with the OpenSSF and Project Sigstore to add container image signing to our default “Publish Docker Container” workflow.
GitHub Actions: Workflows triggered by Dependabot receive dependabot secrets
DRY your Actions configuration with reusable workflows (and more!)
GitHub Actions: Reusable workflows are generally available
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