Search results for: GitHub Pages

Show your projects in motion with animated GIFs
Animated GIFs can help you capture the essence of what you’re trying to share in a way that is both clear and engaging.

Search and Jump to
The search bar at the top of each page has been redesigned to help users quickly navigate to team pages, repositories, and projects that were recently visited. If you click…

How security alerts are keeping your code safer
As more developers draw from existing code libraries to build new tools, tracking changes in dependencies like security vulnerabilities has become more difficult. Since the launch of security alerts last…

Get started with Hacktoberfest
If you’re an open source maintainer, it’s time to get your repository ready for Hacktoberfest. Why? Communities grow during Hacktoberfest. Just ask Peter Tseng, now a core contributor of Exercism,…

A more connected universe
Almost a decade ago, GitHub was created as a place for developers to work together on code. Now, millions of people around the world use our platform to build businesses,…

Release Radar · September 2017
Welcome to the first edition of the Release Radar, where we share the projects popping up on our radar—from world-changing technologies to weekend side projects. Most importantly, they’re all projects…

Innovating in the liberal arts: code as language at Bard College
Bard College is not a technical research university. In fact, when students arrive on campus, most say they’ve had no experience with computer science. Professors Keith O’Hara and Sven Anderson…

Topic Suggestions for Millions of Repositories
We recently launched Topics, a new feature that lets you tag your repositories with descriptive words or phrases, making it easy to discover projects and explore Topic suggestions on…

Open source license descriptions and metadata
Back in September we added open source licenses to repository overview pages. Now, when you view a repository’s license, we’ll tell you a bit more about it. If a project…

Bug Bounty third anniversary wrap-up
In honor of our Bug Bounty Program’s third birthday, we kicked off a promotional bounty period in January and February. In addition to bonus payouts, the scope of the bug…

Git 2.10 has been released
The open source Git project has just released Git 2.10.0, with features and bugfixes from over 70 contributors. Here’s our look at some of the most interesting new features: Progress…

Building your first Atom plugin
Authored by GitHub Campus Expert @NickTikhonov. This tutorial will teach you how to write your first package for the Atom text editor. We’ll be building a clone of Sourcerer, a…

The 2016 Dodgeball Tournament raised $50,045
On Sunday, June 5th, nine companies showed up at Palega Recreation Center in hopes of bringing home the Octotrophy which—since 2013—had been with the long-standing champions, Heroku. Thanks to Constanza…

Meet Richard Davey, creator of Phaser
To highlight the people behind projects we admire, we bring you the GitHub Developer Profile blog series. Meet Richard Davey, the game developer behind Phaser — a free open source…

Organizations can now block abusive users
Community is one of the most important aspects of open source, but sometimes a few bad actors can ruin the experience for the group. To help address the problem, organization…

Atom reaches one million active users
We have reached an exciting milestone: one million people have launched some version of Atom in the last month. That’s three times the number of active users we had under…

Delivering Octicons with SVG no longer delivers its icons via icon font. Instead, we’ve replaced all the Octicons throughout our codebase with SVG alternatives. While the changes are mostly under-the-hood, you’ll immediately feel…

Meet Judy Gichoya, Doctor and Developer
To highlight the people behind projects we admire, we bring you the GitHub Developer Profile blog series. Judy Gichoya is a medical doctor specializing in radiology, but she’s also an…
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