Show Me the Money
There have been a fair amount of requests for this feature and we were happy to oblige. If you click the “Update Credit Card” link on your account page, there’s…
There have been a fair amount of requests for this feature and we were happy to oblige. If you click the “Update Credit Card” link on your account page, there’s…
Repositories can be renamed via their edit page. Users can be renamed via their account page. That is all.
A list of projects extracted and open sourced from GitHub can be found on the GitHub account. We’ve also forked all the projects we are using on the site. Meta,…
Update: We’ve discontinued this feature. If you’d like to accept donations, paste your pledgie code directly into your README (we’ll display the image for you). This afternoon we’re rolling out…
It’s almost that time. If you’re seeing the message below, please head to your account page and either upgrade your plan or take the steps necessary to limit your usage…
GitHub is officially live. Thanks for the awesome beta everyone. While you can sign up or upgrade your account now, it’ll be one week (April 17th) before we start enforcing…
Hey, wondering how much disk space you’re using? Check your account page to find out. Usage is updated every time you push. As for me, I’ve got around 30 repositories…
You can now add multiple emails to your account using the, uh, account link. And hey, are your commits not being linked to your GitHub account? Here’s why: the most…
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