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We know from community feedback and open source projects (like @notwaldorf’s Chrome extension) that replying with the same response to Issues and Pull requests over and over can be tedious.…

Ayman Nadeem
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Patchwork Madison

We're happy to be hosting a Patchwork hack night in Madison, Wisconsin, and we hope you're able to come. If you're a beginner to Git and GitHub, or want to…

Elizabeth Barron
Creating a new contributor on-ramp

Creating a new contributor on-ramp

One of the most important elements of creating a strong community is shaping the new contributor experience. The on-boarding experience for new participants plays a huge role in how quickly…

Jono Bacon
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Patchwork Portland

Portland friends, we hope you'll join us for a Patchwork hack night on March 29, that will be co-hosted with our friends at TaborSpace. If you're a beginner to Git…

Elizabeth Barron
Kindly Closing Pull Requests

Kindly Closing Pull Requests

Getting your first pull request from an outside contributor on GitHub is an exciting experience. Someone cared enough about the problem you were solving to check it out themselves, change…

Mike McQuaid
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Patchwork El Paso

We're excited to announce a Patchwork hack night on March 18, that will be co-hosted with our friends at University of Texas, El Paso. If you're a high school or…

Elizabeth Barron
GDC Party 2016

GDC Party 2016

Tens of thousands of game developers will descend upon San Francisco next week for the annual Game Developers Conference (GDC). But what would GDC be without the parties? Come by…

Lee Reilly
screenshot 2016-02-17 10 51 37

Issue and Pull Request templates

It's hard to solve a problem when important details are missing. Now project maintainers can add templates for Issues and Pull Requests to projects, helping contributors share the right details…

Ben Bleikamp
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Patchwork NYC

We hope you'll join us on February 10 at WorkMarket for a casual night of hands-on hacking and learning about Git, GitHub, and GitHub Pages. We'll be unveiling our new…

Elizabeth Barron
Working with submodules

Working with submodules

Eventually, any interesting software project will come to depend on another project, library, or framework. Git provides submodules to help with this. Submodules allow you to include or embed one…

Joshua Wehner