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An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Orchestrator at GitHub

GitHub uses MySQL to store its metadata: Issues, Pull Requests, comments, organizations, notifications and so forth. While git repository data does not need MySQL to exist and persist, GitHub's service…

Shlomi Noach
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

The GitHub GraphQL API

GitHub announced a public API one month after the site launched. We've evolved this platform through three versions, adhering to RFC standards and embracing new design patterns to provide a clear and consistent interface.

GitHub Engineering
Git 2.9 has been released

Git 2.9 has been released

The open source Git project has just released Git 2.9.0, with a variety of features and bug fixes. Here's our look at some of the most interesting new features: Faster…

Jeff King
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Repository invitations

Beginning today, repository admins must invite you to their repository and you must accept the invitation before you can start collaborating. Repository invitations let you decide whether or not you…

Coraline Ada Ehmke
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Expanded webhook events

Webhooks are one of the more powerful ways to extend GitHub. They allow internal tools and third-party integrations to subscribe to specific activity on GitHub and receive notifications (via an…

David Celis
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Move Fast and Fix Things

Anyone who has worked on a large enough codebase knows that technical debt is an inescapable reality: The more rapidly an application grows in size and complexity, the more technical…

Vicent Martí
An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub’s Metal Cloud

At GitHub we place an emphasis on stability, availability, and performance. A large component of ensuring we excel in these areas is deploying services on bare-metal hardware. This allows us…

Lee Reilly