Improved Audit Log
We’ve just released some major improvements to our organization audit logs. As an organization admin, you can now see a running list of events as they’re generated across your organization,…
We’ve just released some major improvements to our organization audit logs. As an organization admin, you can now see a running list of events as they’re generated across your organization,…
Back in April, we introduced the 3D file viewer. Today we’re improving this by displaying diffs of STL files on GitHub. There are two modes to figure out what you’re…
Humans have enjoyed our ✨ new code search for a while, and today we’re ready to share that joy with the machines. 🔍 With the new code search API, we’ve…
Today we pushed a redesigned feature that highlights language statistics on repository home pages, allowing you to quickly see what languages a repository contains. It’s a great way to get…
Today we’re announcing two new API features: Event Timeline access, and OAuth Authorizations. We’ve also tweaked the way mime types work in preparation for the finalization of API v3. Event…
The entire v3 API is finally here! From commit comments to raw Git access and everything in between, this release wraps up the major development effort around the API. We…
Issue management: the final frontier. Almost two years ago to the day, GitHub launched an issue tracker. Some people love it, some people hate it — but let’s not focus…
I recently launched the first GitHub node.js project: nodeload. Nodeload replaces the ruby git archive download server. Basically, any time you download a tarball or zip file of any repository…
Circa is a programming language designed for for rapid prototyping by @andyfischer. The intro page has some good information and the syntax example highlights some interesting ideas: — The @…
A recent trio of blog posts highlights the benefits of putting your code experiments up on GitHub for others to see. This is a huge part of what makes GitHub…
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