Release Radar · January 2021 Edition
Not everyone takes a break over the festive season. Some people in the community have been busy shipping releases. So we’re here to bring you the latest and greatest releases…
The vast majority of businesses today rely on open source, making it an essential part of the software industry. And millions of those projects are on GitHub. Learn about documentation, maintainers, gaming Git, licenses, and how open source positively impacts the world. You can also find information in our documentation about how to build and foster sustainable open source communities.
Not everyone takes a break over the festive season. Some people in the community have been busy shipping releases. So we’re here to bring you the latest and greatest releases…
As the world becomes more interconnected and complicated, so too does the expanse of open source ecosystems. While the majority of open source software (OSS) lies with corporate technology companies,…
Game Off is our annual month-long game jam. This year’s theme was “moonshot,” and there were more than 500 tre-moon-dous submissions! 🌛 Here are some of the top-rated games as…
In celebrating GitHub Security Lab’s one-year anniversary, we explained that we’re expanding our research focus. Why did we make this decision? The decision stemmed from our work with the Open…
@derrickstolee recently discussed several different git clone options, but how do those options actually affect your Git performance? Which option is fastest for your client experience? Which option is fastest for your build machines?…
As your Git repositories grow, it becomes harder and harder for new developers to clone and start working on them. Git is designed as a distributed version control system. This means that…
Git has a reputation for being confusing. Users stumble over terminology and phrasing that misguides their expectations. This is most apparent in commands that “rewrite history” such as git cherry-pick or git rebase. In my experience,…
We’re here to bring you the latest and greatest releases for December 2020. These are exciting new releases from some of the coolest projects around. There’s everything from world-changing tech…
We’re here to bring you the latest and greatest releases for November 2020. These are exciting new releases from some of the coolest projects around. There’s everything from world-changing tech…
The theme for this year’s Game Off is MOONSHOT. moonshot – noun an extremely ambitious and innovative project the act of launching a spacecraft to the moon a hit or…
WARNING: This post contains zombies, werewolves, extra dimensional beings, mummies, and more! Proceed at your own risk. Trick or treat yourself to some fangtastic Halloween-themed games this weekend. These were…
GitHub Actions gives you the power to automate your workflow. Connect with the tools you know and love. Have more freedom to innovate and be creative. Deploy to any cloud,…
Game Off, our annual game jam (a hackathon for building games) returns this weekend. Participants will be given a secret theme on November 1 and will have the entire month…
The open source Git project just released Git 2.29 with features and bug fixes from over 89 contributors, 24 of them new. Last time we caught up with you, Git 2.28 had just been…
The ninth annual js13kGames competition wrapped up last weekend with over 220 games submitted. All created in a month and in less than 13kB of JavaScript. For anyone not in…
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