Updates to GitHub Terms of Service are in effect

Earlier this month, we asked for your feedback on a new set of changes to our Terms of Service and Corporate Terms of Service. You responded overwhelmingly! Thank you so…

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Earlier this month, we asked for your feedback on a new set of changes to our Terms of Service and Corporate Terms of Service. You responded overwhelmingly! Thank you so much to everyone who commented and opened issues or pull requests. The Terms of Service that you helped us create is now in effect.

Your feedback

During this comment period, you opened 45 issues and 17 pull requests, helping us fine-tune and clarify a bunch of our policies. The updates we made based on your feedback are documented in the “Community Feedback” section below.

If you missed out on this comment period, check out the Site Policy repo README and Contributing Guidelines to find out how you can participate. Watch the repo to keep an eye out for future updates.

An overview of changes to our site Terms

In our last blog post, we told you about the changes we were making to our Terms of Service, Corporate Terms of Service, Business Plan Addendum, and Amendment to GitHub Terms of Service Applicable to U.S. Federal Government Users. We kept those changes, but some of the language may have been tweaked, based on your feedback.

Community Feedback: Thanks to your feedback, we made a number of changes to the terms, for example:

  • Clarifications in our new Private Repositories section
  • Updates to the “Federal Government” Amendment
  • Updates to the new Publicity section in the Corporate Terms of Service
  • Multiple typo corrections and grammar fixes

We also received some great ideas that we couldn’t implement in this comment period. We expect to address those them in the next few months.

What this means for you

The new Terms of Service are in effect as of August 7. You can accept them by continuing to use GitHub. Thank you again, you’ve helped us make our Terms better. Please let us know if you have questions about the new Terms or if you would like to contribute to our policies.

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