Try Git In Your Browser

Try Git Today we’re launching a unique and easy way, in the format of a Code School interactive course, for new Git and GitHub users to try both the tool…

| 1 minutes

Try Git

Today we’re launching a unique and easy way, in the format of a Code School interactive course, for new Git and GitHub users to try both the tool and the service without a single bit of software installation.

If you know of a developer, designer, or other knowledge worker that would benefit from using Git but that hasn’t made the leap just yet, send them over to when they have a spare 15 minutes.

Try Git Site

Made from 100% real Git and GitHub

This site even interacts with GitHub via OAuth and will push your resultant tutorial repository to your GitHub account as a repo named try_git.

Try Git Site

Pairs with Intro-to-Git Videos

If you are interested in a matched set of introductory Git videos, check out the video page of the Git SCM site too.

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