The library

A comprehensive archive with older product announcements, company updates, guides, tutorials, and other blogs from GitHub. Consider the library a repository of historical GitHub information where you can explore the evolution of GitHub’s tools and features over time (like the pull request!).  

GitHub Planeta Virtual Meetup

GitHub представляет нашу первую виртуальную встречу! Первая встреча пройдет во вторник, 17-го ноября, с 19:00 до 21:00 по Московскому времени. Наша ведущая и докладчик, Саша Розенбаум, менеджер по продукту из…

Join us for OctogatosConf

A free two-day single track conference live on September 24 – 25, 2020 in celebration of our culture and LatinX heritage month. You will join a live stream of interactive talks by industry experts in both Spanish, Portuguese and English, with live captioning and translation. Topics will include software development, security, technical project management, civic tech, open source, professional development and best practices.

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