Hello World Guide

We just shipped our latest GitHub Guide: Hello-World. The “Hello World” project is a time-honored tradition in computer programming and now there is one just for GitHub. Hello repositories and…

| 1 minutes

We just shipped our latest GitHub Guide: Hello-World. The “Hello World” project is a time-honored tradition in computer programming and now there is one just for GitHub. Hello repositories and Pull Requests! Hello Issues! Hello branches!

The Hello World guide walks you through the core Git and GitHub elements. When you’re done you’ll have a bright green contribution square and a repository to keep track of ideas or feedback.

GitHub New Users

We love that people are using GitHub to learn development and contribute to open source. We’re excited to keep sharing the love with excellent help docs, YouTube Guides, free online classes, and Patchwork nights. Stay tuned, we’re working hard on more interesting ways to help you learn and teach GitHub.

We have a team of designers and engineers lead by our most excellent user researcher, @chrissiebrodigan, focused on improving the experience for GitHub’s new users. We want everyone to build software better, together — especially if you’re just getting started.

If you have a minute we’d love to know how you learn and teach Git and GitHub. We’ll also share what we learn back here with you in a future post too.

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