GitHub Meetup Aberdeen – April 22 – Canceled

UPDATE This isn’t an update I wanted to write, but Kyle and I won’t be flying to Europe after all. There have been numerous reports that even though airports are…

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This isn’t an update I wanted to write, but Kyle and I won’t be flying to Europe after all. There have been numerous reports that even though airports are opening back up, Eyjafjallajökull could get angry again or set off the even larger Katla which would all but guarantee us getting stranded over there. Normally, being stuck in the UK sounds like fun, but unbreakable commitments in the States have forced us to preemptively cancel this trip.

Pour one out for us.

Kyle and I will be hosting a GitHub meetup at the Prince of Wales in Aberdeen, Scotland this Thursday starting somewhere in the vicinity of 8pm.

Prince of Wales

I’ll also be speaking about GitHub at the TechMeetup in Aberdeen on Wednesday the 21st. I’d recommend going to both for the full GitHub experience.

Unfortunately, there is one giant caveat: if the angry volcano in Iceland doesn’t let us to fly to the UK tomorrow, we may potentially not make either of these events. Unless I update this post that tragedy has stuck, assume we’ll be there.

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