Easy TDD with Drupal

Drupal_TDD contains code and sample apps to simplify Test Driven Development and unit testing with Drupal. img http://img.skitch.com/20090402-kyk1tg6qs4uk74r6fgrpfkkaxi.png http://github.com/patshaughnessy/drupal_tdd More updates are on the way, so be sure to check…


Drupal_TDD contains code and sample apps to simplify Test Driven Development and unit testing with Drupal.

img http://img.skitch.com/20090402-kyk1tg6qs4uk74r6fgrpfkkaxi.png http://github.com/patshaughnessy/drupal_tdd

More updates are on the way, so be sure to check out the latest news from @MarkBennett on his blog.

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