Atom 1 Year Open Source Anniversary

One year ago today, Atom went from private alpha to open source software in hopes that the sunshine would help it reach its true potential.Thanks to you, our users and…

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One year ago today, Atom went from private alpha to open source software in hopes that the sunshine would help it reach its true potential.

Thanks to you, our users and contributors, Atom has had an incredible year. The number of contributors has skyrocketed, and with your support, the Atom team has hurdled significant technical challenges. Every day, the editor gets better, and its performance and stability improves. Take a look at how far Atom has come:


The future

With the help of many developers around the world, Atom 1.0 is in sight. We have been rapidly knocking items off of our 1.0 feature list, and plan on releasing 1.0 next month. It’s been a very exciting year, and we look forward to many more as the Atom community grows.


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