10 Million Repositories

What an incredible and productive year! A few days ago the 10 millionth repository was created on GitHub.com, just in time for the new year. The first million repositories were…

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What an incredible and productive year! A few days ago the 10 millionth repository was created on GitHub.com, just in time for the new year.

The first million repositories were created in just under 4 years; 3 years, 8 months and 15 days to be exact. This last million took just 48 days. In fact, over 5.5M repositories — more than half of the repositories on the site — were created this year alone.

To celebrate, here’s a look at some of the popular, interesting, and noteworthy projects that came online in 2013:

Here’s a quick 📈 showing the path to 10M:

We’ll be sharing some more stats from the year soon, but for now, happy holidays and here’s to the next 10 million!

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