Linked repositories for organization-owned project boards

You can now specify which repositories are most relevant to the project you’re working on when viewing project boards own by an organization.

| 1 minutes

Managing your projects at the organization level just got easier. When creating or viewing an organization’s project board, you can now specify which repositories are most relevant to the project you’re working on. This new feature makes search faster and more relevant by automatically scoping it to your linked repositories.

Link repositories to your projects board for easier, more relevant search options

Link to relevant repositories any time you create a new organization-owned project board—or while actively managing a project. As you manage a project, you can change and add up to five repositories where the work being done for your board can be referenced.

Linked repositories will appear on the project board list, making it easier to find your board and understand, at a glance, where work is happening within your organization.

Learn more about linking repositories to organization project boards

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