Issue template improvements

Bring more organization to your project contributions with these improvements to issue templates.

| 1 minutes

As more people contribute to your project, the issue tracker can start to feel hectic. We recently helped project maintainers set up multiple issue templates as a way to manage contributions, and now we’re following up with a better contributor experience and improved setup process.

When someone opens a new issue in your project, you can now prompt them to choose from multiple issue types.

New issue page showing issue template choices

To add this experience to your repository, go to the “Settings” tab and click Set up templates—or add a template from your community profile. You’ll be able to use a builder to preview and edit existing templates or create a custom template.

Template builder

Once these changes are merged into master, the new issue templates will be live for contributors. Head over to your project settings to get started.

Learn more about creating issue templates

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