Inviting people to your organization

We’ve changed the process for adding new GitHub users to your organization. Starting today, users you add will be sent an email invitation. Once they accept this invitation, they’ll become…

| 1 minutes

We’ve changed the process for adding new GitHub users to your organization. Starting today, users you add will be sent an email invitation. Once they accept this invitation, they’ll become a member of your organization.

accepting an invitation

If you invite a user and they misplace their invitation email, they can always access the invitation from your organization’s profile page.

invitation banner on organization profile page

Everyone on GitHub should be able to decide which organizations they’d like to join. This new process reinforces each person’s privacy and security.

For more information on inviting people to an organization, check out our documentation. If you’re using our API to add people to your organization, check out the new Team Memberships API.

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