Creating new projects with board templates and project copying

Getting started with GitHub Projects using board templates and project copying.

| 2 minutes

Sometimes the hardest part of starting a project is figuring out how to keep your work organized.
Once you’ve found a flow that works for you, starting a new project is a lot easier if you
can do things the same way you did before. Now you can quickly reproduce your process by copying projects
and creating templates for your boards.

Copy a project to reproduce the configuration of any project you can view into any organization
or repository you have write access to. Board templates are pre-configured templates that will
set up a new board with columns and project automation.

Starting from scratch with project templates

If you’re new to GitHub project boards, or if you don’t have an existing project management philosophy,
project templates allow you to create new Kanban-style project boards. Currently, you can start
a project with a three-column Kanban style board with or without basic automation settings.

Copying a board

A single forgotten field or setting can disrupt an entire workflow, so we’ve made it easier to
copy a board configuration that works for you. Copying a project will create a new project board in
the organization or repository of your choosing with all of the column and automation settings
you’ve already configured to your liking.

With project board copying, you can create your own template boards to copy each time you launch
new work, or you can copy boards from public projects that seem like they might fit your needs.

Project copying animation

Your copied board will contain the same columns and titles as the original. Before creating it,
you’ll have the option to modify the name and descriptions of the board, along with its automation settings.
You’ll also be able to mark organization-owned projects as public. Cards will not be copied to new projects.

Take a look at the documentation to learn more about simplifying your project boards.

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