Noops week 3: Harmonize, use logic, and organize with the latest bots

Let’s have fun with code. See what our very smart—and very aimless—robots have in store for you with this week’s Noops.

| 2 minutes

It’s week three of the Noops challenge, a series of prompts that are inspiring developers all over the world to build something fun with bots, and we have a whole new set of Noops for you to meet.

We loved seeing what thousands of you did with the last week’s Noops. We’ve seen challengers solve 11 mazes in three seconds, create a color renderer in 213 characters, and solve 10Print in 11 different languages.

This week’s Noop lineup

  • Be a wordsmith with Wordbot: Wordbot gives you up to a thousand random words that you can choose from and even pull from a defined list, like animals, dinosaurs, and more.
    • What you can build: Create a generator that uses random words to help tell your fill-in-the-blank story (think Mad Libs).
  • Guide your way with Pathbot: Like Mazebot, you’ll get to solve mazes with Pathbot. The difference is Pathbot will only provide you with the directions you’re able to take (up, down, left, or right)—not the maze itself. With each step, you can create a path through every maze. 
    • What you can build: Develop a problem solver to go through the map until it finds a solution or build a way to navigate the map using your keyboard.
  • Use logic to beat Riddelbot: Riddlebot won’t give you the questions, but it will give you the answers. Get a set of encoded strings from Riddlebot to decrypt. Each level’s encryption increases in difficulty.
    • What you can build: Write a script to automatically decode the strings or add the bot to a game you’re creating to decode safes, doors, or anything you want.
  • Tidy up with Sortbot: Sortbot likes order and provides you with lists of values to sort. Figure out a way to sort them in the correct order to channel your inner Marie Kondo.
    • What you can build: Write a problem solver in a new language that accesses the API and returns the data sets correctly sorted.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll do with the newest Noops. Need a refresher? Learn about the Noops, and don’t forget to share your creation on Twitter using #NoopsChallenge.

Challenge yourself

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