Global Issue Search
There are a more than a million open issues to be found across all public repositories hosted on GitHub right now. Finding a specific issue can be a tedious process…
There are a more than a million open issues
to be found across all public repositories hosted on GitHub right now. Finding a
specific issue can be a tedious process of looking through the issue list for each
repository you are interested in. We hate tedium, so we made this much easier.
Today we are releasing global issue search. With a single query you can now
search the issues of all public repositories and the private repositories you
have access to. You can restrict the search results to a
single organization,
or you can show only those issues assigned to one user.
You can find this new feature on the global search
page. To get you started, here are a few example searches showing off the filters you can use with
global issue search:
- encoding @heroku
- search state:open
- strange comments:>42
- hard label:bug
- author:mojombo
- mentions:tpope
- assignee:rtomayko
- exception created:>2012-12-31
- exception updated:<2013-01-01
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