GitHub Rebase #33
See the archives and more over at! Want in for the next rebase? As you can see, I’m a bit web biased today, but I’d love to get more…
See the archives and more over at! Want in for the next rebase? As you can see, I’m a bit web biased today, but I’d love to get more projects from other corners of the software world in here.
Featured Project
node.js is bringing server-side JavaScript back with a vengeance. In the words of Simon Willison, it’s a genuinely exciting project that brings an evented I/O server inspired by EventMachine and Twisted to the blazing Google V8 engine. Never heard of evented I/O based web servers? Bunnies can explain it to you better than I can. Code speaks louder than words or rabbits, and you can check out node_chat to see an example application. The project’s site also has plenty of documentation and information to help you get started.
Notably New Projects
friendly is a Ruby library that uses MySQL like it’s a NoSQL document data store that was inspired by how FriendFeed uses MySQL. Behind the scenes, Friendly serializes attributes on your classes as JSON, and then maintains indexes for them in separate tables. This allows your data to be schemaless, so you can add or remove what you need on the fly without it taking hours to process migrations. Get your friendly on here.
phpunit has been around for a while, but it recently moved over to GitHub full time. This testing framework is packed full of features, including mocking, code coverage analysis, and integration with Selenium. There’s a great set of docs to help you get set up with testing your own site. PHP developers, you’re now just a git clone
away from TATFTing.
OpenFlowSharp is a port of OpenFlow, an open source CoverFlow API replacement to MonoTouch, a port of the Mono project to the iPhone/iPod Touch. The end result looks just as nice and this project will bring a C# equivalent to match the original code. If you haven’t seen MonoTouch, here’s a perfect opportunity to jump in and get coding on your iPhone in a different language than Objective-C.
oos is an operating system that uses the ooc language predominantly. If you’re into low level kernel hacking in semi-high level languages, this project is for you. Fire up your favorite emulator and get hacking!
erlang_websocket is a WebSocket implementation in Erlang and MochiWeb. If you haven’t heard of it yet, WebSocket is a new specification that defines two-way communication between clients and servers, and is already conveniently implemented in Chrome. According to Joe Armstrong, this spec is set to replace pretty much every other way of doing asynchronous communication on the web. This project lets you hook into the WebSocket API in Erlang, and comes with the obligatory chat app example as well.
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