Introducing the GitHub Stars Program ⭐️

GitHub is home to the world’s largest community of developers who share their code, work together, and build amazing things. But out of those millions of developers on GitHub, there…

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GitHub is home to the world’s largest community of developers who share their code, work together, and build amazing things. But out of those millions of developers on GitHub, there are a few who go above and beyond in helping others in the developer space – not just by maintaining projects but by helping educate, inspire and influence the online and in-person communities in which they live and work.

It is for these people that we created the GitHub Stars program – our way to say thank you to these amazing people. We want you to know about them too, and by giving them a platform to showcase their work, enable them to reach more people and help everyone benefit from their knowledge and passion.

They inspire all of us, connecting everyone in their orbit. They educate the people around them, lift people up and can’t help themselves from sharing the goodness that they have discovered. They influence by shaping and nurturing communities to be inclusive and welcoming places for all. They are the experts in our communities who are out there sharing their knowledge with everyone for the love of it, without an expectation of a reward.

Whether it’s online via podcasts, videos, blogs, or in person by hosting meetups, user groups or running free community conferences, they are sharing their best practices, their stories, and their experience helping communities thrive on GitHub. Take a look at just some of the many contributions from Monica and Eddie.


Monica Powell is a software engineer who is passionate about making contributing to open-source more approachable and building online and offline communities.  Find her creating content on like How to Create a GitHub Profile ReadMe, contributing to projects like the The New York Public Library’s eBook software, teaching web development or growing the React Ladies community she founded.


Eddie Jaoude is a full stack engineer driven to getting folks into open source. You can find Eddie creating amazing content on YouTube – from Git must know commands, branch renaming to live streaming content such as how he convinced a company to go open source.


As part of the program, Stars will have access to exclusive rewards to help them expand their impact and continue to do the amazing work that they do. They’ll get:

  • Early feature access
  • Insight calls with the GitHub teams
  • Event and speaking invites
  • Featured profile
  • All of the swag

If you know of an inspiring community leader, we want to hear about them and help them make an even greater impact. Nominate them here or learn more about the Stars themselves.

Over the coming weeks, we will be highlighting some of our Stars and introducing them to you and the work that they do. Head on over to the GitHub Stars website if you would like to get a sneak preview and congratulate them on their work.

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