Building together: GitHub partner ecosystem continues to grow

We detail the great momentum we’ve had with our partners at GitHub this past year, building a healthy ecosystem aimed at making our users more productive.

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Hopefully, you have been joining us to explore the future of software development at GitHub Universe 2020. Today, we are putting a special spotlight on the incredible contributions from the ecosystem of projects, and solution and service providers who have partnered with us from around the world. This growing set of partners allow us to provide developers and customers the flexibility to choose the technologies and tools that work best for them, and the expertise to ensure they are integrated and implemented effectively. It’s been exciting to watch this community expand and work together to the ultimate benefit of our shared customers. Here are just a few areas we’ve seen considerable expansion this past year:

DevOps is core 

Earlier this year, we announced that GitHub Actions became the number one CI solution on GitHub across public and private repositories, a milestone we could not have achieved without our partners. Actions can automate nearly any manual process in developer workflows, and our partners are critical for making sure our customers can customize their end-to-end experience with trusted actions. Through this automation, DevOps processes can become a competitive advantage, accelerating software delivery and simplifying security. Since GitHub Satellite earlier this year, developers have made tremendous use of our partners’ actions, with their usage in developer workflows increasing by more than 330% in only seven months. Check out our Technology Partners’ actions on the GitHub Marketplace

Of course, DevOps is more than just tools; it’s often a larger transformation around how businesses work inclusive of culture and processes. Across the world, our service-oriented partners provide critical support to our joint customers to accelerate their business transformation supported by GitHub. DevOps transformation can seem overwhelming and we are thrilled to see our partners develop sustainable practices that leverage GitHub to improve how enterprises build software collaboratively.

Security matters  

Back in September, we launched code scanning and announced a number of third-party integrations including Anchore, Bridgecrew, and others. Code scanning’s extensibility enables teams to orchestrate security reviews throughout the software development lifecycle. With more than 16 integrations yielding dozens of new actions and several apps, developers can use the tools that make sense for their business as part of the native GitHub experience. At the same time, we see services partners investing in security practices to help customers evaluate and address their security and compliance requirements.

Supporting the global developer community

It is extremely important to us that we meet developers wherever they are around the world. Through our Tech for Social Good program, we partner with the United Nations and other social sector organizations globally to ensure GitHub is helping developers build the best technology solutions to address the world’s most pressing problems.

In India, IBM and GitHub are coming together to launch a nation-wide tech challenge by inviting the developer community to innovate for remote voting solutions for the world’s largest democracy. IBM is helping by providing blockchain technology for e-voting, and GitHub is enabling the developer community by mentoring and providing our platform to build the solution on. 

From all of us here at GitHub, we want to say thank you to all of our partners. Together we make a difference for developers around the world. Let’s keep building together!

— Leon Jones, Head of Service and Channel Partners & John Leon, VP of Business Development 

What our partners are saying:

“GitHub is where all developers want to be. There is a skills crisis worldwide, with corporations desperately looking for developer talent. With over 56 million developers, GitHub and its Enterprise platform enable organizations to bring developer experience in-house, and we at Avanade can help bring the expertise to ensure large organisations benefit from it. Our validation acknowledges this. Businesses are looking to leverage skills from outside their organisation with what they have internally to maximise creativity and bring innovation to future digital product development, joined up with code they can keep secure and own.” – Craig Wood, Executive, Software Engineering, Avanade

Cognizant recently formed the Cognizant Microsoft Business Group (MBG) through the acquisitions of both New Signature and 10th Magnitude – companies highly specialized in DevOps. Both New Signature and 10th Magnitude have worked with GitHub to become two of the first GitHub Verified partners. In addition to merging GitHub partnership efforts, the MBG has recently shown commitment to security by publishing one of the first security offerings built around the suite of GitHub Advanced Security tools. Now is the time to embrace the GitHub platform, not only to take advantage of the power of open source development through InnerSourcing, but also to leverage GitHub Advanced Security.” Estoban Garcia, VP, MBG Cognizant

“Developer velocity depends on being able to confidently ship code without regressions. The new GitHub Actions and the Datadog Continuous Profiler integration meets customers where their code is, offering a point-and-click solution that enables the deepest level of insight into what code is running and how it’s performing.” Ilan Rabinovitch, VP, Product & Community, Datadog

“DevOpsGroup firmly believes that DevOps adoption is key to accelerating developer velocity and maximising cloud ROI, whilst at the same time creating an IT culture that reduces burnout and increases job satisfaction. GitHub, as the ‘home for the world’s developers,’ offers a platform on which to build this DevOps model, both technically with tools like GitHub Actions, but also culturally by empowering concepts like InnerSource. By partnering with GitHub in joint go-to-market and sales activities, DevOpsGroup has been able to reach a wider audience to help organisations unlock the benefits of DevOps.” Stephen Thair, Chief Product Officer, DevOpsGroup

“We use GitHub services extensively in everything we do internally and for our customers. We also make major contributions to the open source community. By achieving the GitHub Verified Partner status, our deep knowledge we have offered to our customers has now been confirmed. We uniquely combine GitHub Verified and Azure DevOps Gold Partnerships, and back it by our 15+ years of experience in DevOps for a number of industries.” Marko Klemetti, CTO, Eficode

“Today’s enterprises are embracing open source like never before and are adopting diverse DevOps toolchains. Working with GitHub to support an open developer community and automate the flow of information between developers and operations will help our clients innovate more quickly with lower risk.” – Chris Ferris, CTO, Open Source, IBM

“We consider our partnership with GitHub to be strategic for our business for two main reasons: it differentiates our offer of technology solutions, as it is the world’s leading platform far superior to its competitors, and reinforces our image as a strong brand with a high connection and attraction with our target and our talents.”Gustavo Mantese, Head of Marketing, ilegra

“User-friendly features and ease of integration make GitHub products popular with the DevOps community. Cloud-native GitHub offerings are well aligned to our clients’ cloud adoption roadmap, helping them rapidly achieve business resilience, and cost-efficiency. GitHub Actions will further play a key role in accelerating modernization programs across the enterprise application landscape.” – Gautam Khanna, VP, Head of Modernization Practice, Infosys 

“When you’re on a team, tracking everything that’s changed when you’re pushing new code is impossible. Even the most careful code review can’t account for the potential impact on related upstream and downstream services. Lightstep is the first partner to bring change intelligence and incident remediation directly into the development workflow with GitHub Actions. Together with GitHub, we make software development easier by connecting existing development workflows together right in the code where developers already are.” – Ben Cronin, Co-Founder and COO, Lightstep

“Red Hat OpenShift is more than a Kubernetes platform for deploying cloud-native applications; it’s a powerful, flexible foundation for developers to build the latest and greatest applications. By adding GitHub Actions to our existing set of DevOps and GitOps capabilities and by working with GitHub to further refine and expand the developer experience, we aim to make Red Hat OpenShift the most complete cloud-native development platform available, one built on the open standards of Kubernetes and Linux containers and backed by the vast expertise of Red Hat.”Joe Fernandes, VP of Product, Cloud Platforms, Red Hat

“ServiceNow and GitHub are at the crossroads of DevOps, and our partnership reflects our commitment to the developer community by helping developers innovate even faster on the Now Platform. Through our new actions, developers can leverage all the powerful capabilities of GitHub with the power and simplicity of the Now Platform and App Engine.” Marcus Torres, VP of Product Management, ServiceNow

“Our partnership with GitHub means a lot for our business. We feel that we are a key player in our region and have increased our sales and knowledge with the help of GitHub as a direct result of our partnership. It also reinforces our brand and makes us more attractive for new customers and employees.” – Magnus Timner, COO, Solidify

GitHub is the nerve center of modern development teams; it’s at the core of application, infrastructure, and operational delivery. With StackPulse’s focus on helping developers deliver reliability ‘as code’, partnering with GitHub was a no brainer!” – Leonid Belkind, Co-Founder and CTO, StackPulse

“One of the core values of Xpirit is sharing knowledge. Our people are passionate about what they do and share this in many ways with the developer community. Being the first European partner of GitHub is a great acknowledgement of that. Our traditionally strong partnership with Microsoft is now amplified with a new partnership with GitHub allowing us to make a real difference. We are thrilled to accompany and explore the GitHub journey in the years to come!” – Marcel de Vries, CTO, Xpirit

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