Closed Captions on YouTube

With help from the non-profit, open-source project Amara, we’ve added English closed captions to all of our videos on YouTube. This includes all videos on the main GitHub channel (such…

| 1 minutes

With help from the non-profit, open-source project Amara, we’ve added English closed captions to all of our videos on YouTube. This includes all videos on the main GitHub channel (such as OctoTales, Passion Projects, and the Better Together music video), as well as videos on the GitHub Guides channel (such as the GitHub Foundations series).

More Languages

We’ve also started to expand our accessibility to other languages. For instance, the Foundations series now has Japanese captions. Here’s how you enable them:


Translations Needed

We think it would be cool if people all over the world could enjoy our videos, regardless of what language they speak. So, starting today, we’re inviting anyone who’s interested to help us translate our videos via Amara’s Volunteer Platform.

If you’d like to help, go to the GitHub team on Amara and select “Join Team.” (If you don’t have an account, you can create one or sign-in via your preferred social network.) Then you’ll see the videos available for translation, and you can use Amara’s slick in-browser subtitling tool to add your translation. Thanks and cheers to accessibility! 🍺

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