Announcing GitHub Issues for iPhone

1/9/2017: This post isn’t up to date. GitHub Issues for iPhone is no longer supported GitHub Issues has gone mobile. You can download it from the App Store today! NOTE:…

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1/9/2017: This post isn’t up to date. GitHub Issues for iPhone is no longer supported

GitHub Issues has gone mobile. You can download it from the App Store today!

NOTE: It might take some time for it to be available in the App Store for everyone—please be patient!

We’ve been using the app for a few months now and we’re really excited about it. When we thought about which features on the site made sense for mobile, Issues was at the top of the list. Issues are something you can check in the morning from bed to see what the day will be like or look at on the bus before getting to work—accessing them on mobile devices just makes sense.

Create and Comment on Issues

We thought Issues 2.0 was a great improvement and wanted to get that awesomeness onto the iPhone.


The Dashboard is where you can view all issues across all your repos. You’re able to see when you’ve been mentioned, check on the issues you’ve created, see which issues are assigned to you, and check on the issues you’re watching or have participated in.


Only see the issues you care about – on repositories with thousands of issues this makes seeing the issues that matter to you easier.


Save repositories (even with filters turned on) you frequently use so they are easy to access. They’ll also be listed in your “Recently Viewed” area on the user or organization view.

Download GitHub Issues for iPhone today

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