Save setup time with GitHub Classroom and Probot
Use Probot with GitHub Apps to save time in the classroom by automating tasks.
Career growth in software development and engineering roles is about more than just climbing the corporate ladder; it’s also about personal and professional development and adapting to new challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re just starting out in the tech industry or seeking to pivot into new opportunities, gain valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your career goals.
Use Probot with GitHub Apps to save time in the classroom by automating tasks.
Major League Hacking (MLH) and GitHub have created resources for Hackathons to help developers get their applications up and running quicker: the Flask Hackathon Starter and the Node.js Hackathon Starter.
We’re spending Women’s History Month with women leaders who are making history every day in the tech community. Read more about Erin Spiceland: Software Engineer at SpaceX.
Using GitHub in the classroom leads to learning outcomes like preparation for the future and feeling part of a developer community.
We’re spending Women’s History Month with women leaders who are making history every day in the tech community. Read more about Rachel White: technologist, artist, pretend-cyborg, and currently the Developer Experience Lead at American Express.
This year’s Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) featured two sessions that will save you countless hours of marking and administrative friction: near-total automation and CS50’s tools helping students with their programs.
We’re spending Women’s History Month with women leaders who are making history every day in the tech community. Read more about Laura Tacho: director of engineering at CloudBees, a Docker captain, and containers and CI/CD specialist.
Spencer Kaiser, Principal Architect of Emerging Technology at American Airlines, shares his experience with the Student Developer Pack.
Learn how Dr. Shane Wilson saved time and boosted student performance with the help of GitHub Classroom and Travis CI.
Complete our training to become an Advisor and get free access to GitHub across all of your departments.
Now, if your school shares an organization, you may associate as many Classrooms with it as you like. Create multiple sections for teaching assistants, or store common course materials for your entire department to use.
Merge conflicts don’t have to be scary for you or your students! Learn how to help students resolve them.
Learning with real-world tools paid off for this Georgia State student.
Now schools can get the tools businesses love for free in a new GitHub Education bundle.
Bring more organization to your project contributions with these improvements to issue templates.
Build what’s next on GitHub, the place for anyone from anywhere to build anything.