Congrats to the first class of Campus Advisors

Complete our training to become an Advisor and get free access to GitHub across all of your departments.

Welcome Campus Advisors
| 2 minutes

To help teachers build on their success, we introduced the Campus Advisors program to help teachers master Git and GitHub in spring 2018.

Campus Advisors have completed 10 hours of self-paced training on Git and GitHub, and serve as a resource for other teachers at their school.

This spring, we welcome the first class of Advisors, who hail from around the world:


Advisors span five continents from the Sorbonne in Paris, to Federal University Lafia in Nigeria to Colégio Pedro II in Brazil.

This is a map of Campus Advisors

Top tools and workflows

Advisors report that the most popular takeaways from the training are:

  • Learning how to use GitHub Classroom
  • Automation and continuous integration tools
  • Managing group work and encouraging collaboration
  • Enabling students to create a portfolio to show their work

Michael Crabb from the University of Dundee said that the training was so helpful, “I steal the Campus Advisor slides and I use them. It’s nice to know that the way I am teaching it is way GitHub recommends.”

Ivone Bennett from the North Metropolitan TAFE in Perth said, “I also quite like the GitHub Education forum. It’s a fantastic support tool.”

Through the training, Richard Barnett from Stellenbosch University in South Africa discovered the new Classroom Assistant, and reported, “The ability to clone all assignments at once is a game- changer.”

How do I become an Advisor?

The training consists of modules that teachers can take at their own pace. Training includes:

  1. Git basics—understand how Git works so you’re better prepared to help your students when they get stuck
  2. Individual work—create, distribute, and collect coding exercises for your students to complete individually using GitHub Classroom
  3. Group work—strategies for creating group learning experiences that parallel real-world software development, and techniques to understand individual contributions to group projects
  4. Student programs—opportunities for you to encourage self-directed technical education outside the classroom

Any teacher who is curious about using Git and GitHub is welcome to take the training.

If your school participates in GitHub for Education, you can gain access to GitHub for free across all of your departments. Become a Campus Advisor and begin the training.

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