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We are excited to announce that GitHub app in Slack and Microsoft Teams now supports GitHub Actions workflow notifications.


You can now subscribe to your repository and get notified about GitHub Actions workflow run status from your channel or personal app.
/github subscribe owner/repo workflows

  • You will get notified when a new workflow run is triggered. And you can track the live status of the jobs.
  • You can track the approval notifications as a reply in the thread and you can approve the notifications directly from channel/personal app.
  • Once the workflow is completed, you will get a update as a reply in the thread so that you can complete context and history about the workflow run.
  • If something fails, you can choose to rerun the workflow in place and you can also enable debug logs if needed.

Workflow notification filters

Getting notified about each and every workflow run can be noisy. So, we are providing you capability to filter the notifications based on your requirement. You can filter your actions workflows notifications based on name, event, actor and/or branch. You can filter the notifications as below.

/github subscribe owner/repo workflows:{name:"your workflow name" event:"workflow event" branch:"branch name" actor:"actor name"}

  • name: Name of your workflow
  • event: The event on which the workflow is triggered. View the list of all available events.
  • actor: The person who triggered or responsible for running of the workflow.
  • branch: The branch on which the workflow is running. Only in the cases where pull_request event is included, the branch will be the target branch the pull request is created for.

Note: When you configure workflow notifications without passing any filters, it is configured by default for workflows triggered via pull requests targeting your default branch.

For more information, please visit the GitHub app guidance for Slack and Microsoft Teams.

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You can now display your local timezone on your profile to give others an idea of when to expect responses to pull requests or issues from you. You can opt into this feature by navigating to Settings > Public Profile and checking Display current local time. You can also update this information directly from your profile by clicking 'Edit Profile' under your avatar.
local timezone setting

This will display your timezone in the left sidebar of your profile as well as your timezone's current deviation from UTC. When other users see your profile or user hovercard, they'll see your timezone as well as how many hours behind or ahead they are from your local time.
local timezone display on profile

Learn more about personalizing your profile.

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We've updated the notifications settings page to be more vibrant and easier to understand what changes you're making. Here are some of the updates:

  • Confirmation of which email you'd like to receive notifications at
  • Grouping of your subscriptions and where you receive notifications
  • Grouping of system-related notifications

Learn more here.
An image showing the before and after of notification settings changes. Top of the UI features the ability to choose the default notifications email, with ability to automatically watch repositories and teams just below. From there, a developer can manage their subscriptions for repositories as well as system-related notifications.

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Users can now unsubscribe from all repositories owned by a given user or organization. Navigate to to find a list of the repositories that you are subscribed to. The Unwatch All button gives you the option to unsubscribe from all repositories, or just the ones that belong to a specific user or owner. It will appear when you are watching all activity or custom notifications on over 10 repositories.

dropdown with filter

Clicking any of the dropdown options opens a modal to confirm unwatching repositories owned by the selected user/organization (or all repositories).


You can read more about how to unwatch a single or multiple repositories in the 'Managing your subscriptions' documentation

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GitHub Mobile now supports push notifications for pull request review activities – you will get notified when someone approves, comments, or requests changes on your pull requests. GitHub Mobile also support push notifications when you’re directly mentioned, requested to review a pull request, assigned a task or requested to approve a deployment for a protected environment. You can enable these new push notification types within Settings > Notifications.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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The "Only notify requested team members" setting can now be enabled independently of "Enable auto assignment" in the Team's code review settings.

This is useful in scenarios where many users are auto assigned but not all users require notification. For example, when repositories are configured with teams as code owners but contributors know the specific individual to review their pull request. This setting now allows you to require that team for review, but without always notifying the whole team unnecessarily.

Read more about managing code review settings for your team.

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Last month, we announced that security alert notifications were changing to an opt-in model. We have completed this change and users now receive notifications only for repositories they watch and have selected to receive All Activity or configured Custom to include Security alerts.

Watching control with new security alerts setting

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We are implementing a change to the default notification settings for security alerts. Previously, if you had permission to view security alerts in a repository, you would receive notifications for that repository as long as your settings allowed for security alert notifications. Starting today, we are moving to a model where you must opt-in to security alert notifications by watching the repository. You will be notified as long as you select All Activity or configure Custom to include Security alerts. You will have 30 days to opt-in to these security alert notifications, or you will stop receiving them.

If you want to continue to receive security alert notifications for all of the repositories that you currently receive them for, you can find a migration experience at the bottom of the watching page. Click Subscribe to security alerts to easily opt-in.

Watching control with new security alerts setting

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Developers who contributed to the specific versions of projects and libraries used by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to put the Ingenuity helicopter into the Martian atmosphere will receive a new badge on their profile to commemorate their contributions to this historic achievement in planetary exploration.

See the list of repositories and versions which qualify a user for getting the badge here.

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