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You can now display your local timezone on your profile to give others an idea of when to expect responses to pull requests or issues from you. You can opt into this feature by navigating to Settings > Public Profile and checking Display current local time. You can also update this information directly from your profile by clicking 'Edit Profile' under your avatar.
local timezone setting

This will display your timezone in the left sidebar of your profile as well as your timezone's current deviation from UTC. When other users see your profile or user hovercard, they'll see your timezone as well as how many hours behind or ahead they are from your local time.
local timezone display on profile

Learn more about personalizing your profile.

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Developers who contributed to the specific versions of projects and libraries used by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to put the Ingenuity helicopter into the Martian atmosphere will receive a new badge on their profile to commemorate their contributions to this historic achievement in planetary exploration.

See the list of repositories and versions which qualify a user for getting the badge here.

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