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Labels and a new announcements category format are now available as part of the GitHub Discussions public beta. Labels will help maintainers triage and organize their discussions. When creating a new custom category, maintainers may now select the Announcements format where only maintainers and admins can post discussions to these categories.

Get started with GitHub Discussions.

For questions or feedback, visit GitHub Discussions feedback.

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You can now link discussions to new releases!

When drafting a new release, check the Create a discussion for this release box, choose a category, and publish. Your community will be able to react and comment on the release notes, giving projects more opportunities to celebrate and receive feedback. Release discussions are also available natively on GitHub Mobile.

enable discussion creation on a release

For more information, see GitHub Discussions, GitHub Releases and GitHub Mobile documentation.

For questions or feedback, join the conversation in GitHub Product Feedback.

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GitHub Discussions is now available as a public beta, providing you with a dedicated space for your community to ask and answer questions, and have conversations that are separate from issues in your repository.

Discussions work a lot like issues. However, with discussions you can also:

  • Mark questions with an answer
  • Convert issues into discussions
  • Categorize discussions – fully customizable
  • Have threaded conversations
  • Pin up to 4 discussions

We will continue adding more functionality based on your feedback, including adding Discussions to GitHub for mobile as a beta.

If you are an admin or maintainer of a public repository you can enable Discussions via repository settings for your community today!

Learn more about Discussions

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