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We are pleased to announce that our most recent SOC reports (1, 2, and 3) are available now and include GitHub Enterprise Cloud for with all new regions like the EU, as well as Copilot Business and Enterprise. These reports are applicable for the 6-month period April 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024 and are available on the GitHub Enterprise Trust Center for our customers.

This represents a significant milestone for GitHub and our customers for multiple reasons:
– Copilot Business and Enterprise are now gaining coverage of control operating effectiveness over the period represented by a Type II report (as opposed to the point-in-time reports represented by the previous Type I reports issued Spring 2024)
– Coverage for Enterprises hosted in either dotcom or the newly launched EU region.
– Future regions launched for GitHub Enterprise Cloud will also be compliant.

These efforts and the culminating SOC 2 Type II reports represent GitHub’s ongoing commitment to provide secure products to our customers, which continues to provide developers the assurance to build software better, together.

Looking forward, bridge letters will be coming mid-January 2025 for the gap period representing October through December 2024. Additionally, the next round of SOC reports covering October 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 will be available to customers in June 2025.

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We are excited to announce the launch of new governance at scale features for enterprise accounts in public preview. This preview includes enterprise custom repository properties, enterprise repository policies and enterprise rulesets to help enterprise administrators manage more at greater scale.

Check out this video on managing your repositories at scale across the enterprise and learn more below.

Enterprise custom properties

Enterprise customers can now enrich repositories with metadata and govern protections for branches, pushes, and tags across your entire enterprise using repository custom properties and rulesets.

 Enterprise custom properties screenshot
With custom properties available at the enterprise level, you can ensure consistent properties across organizations without manual synchronization and de-duplication. Enterprise and organization properties share a common namespace to prevent confusion when searching or targeting rulesets with properties.
To learn more about enterprise custom properties, head over to the docs.

Enterprise rulesets

Enterprise rulesets screenshot

Enterprise-level rulesets enforce consistent code governance rules to ensure thorough reviews of critical repositories with pull requests, and protect important locations from unauthorized pushes. Rule insights and push rule bypasses are also available at the enterprise level, providing complete visibility into the rulesets.

Enterprise repository policy

We are also introducing repository policies, which allow you to effectively manage repository lifecycle events such as deletions and visibility from the enterprise level. Enterprise administrators can target enterprise polices over repositories in organizations, as well as repositories homed under personal namespaces for any company using enterprise managed users.

Enterprise repository policy screenshot
Repository policies extend the ruleset framework to help you govern repositories beyond the code itself. These policies manage lifecycle events, enhancing the security, compliance and resilience of your repositories. You can enable repository policies per organization, and the preview launches with five policies:
– Restrict visibility
– Restrict creations
– Restrict deletions
– Restrict transfers
– Restrict names

To learn more about enterprise repository policy, head over to the docs.


To ask questions or share feedback, join our discussion in the GitHub Community.

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Currently, you are able to query back up to 90 days worth of events from data tables you have access to when reviewing or utilizing specific events features: Events API (including push events), Atom feed, /timeline, or /dashboard-feed. On January 30th, 2025, we will be modifying the window of data retention for these features from 90 days to 30 days.

Why are we making changes?

We are making this change to help GitHub continue to scale for all our users, while continuing to provide existing customers of these features with the ability to still query and view recent important event information.

Which APIs will be impacted in this change?

The relevant APIs that will be affected are:
– /events : List public events
– /networks/{owner}/{repo}/events : List public events for a network of repositories
– /orgs/{org}/events : List public organization events
– /repos/{owner}/{repo}/events : List repository events
– /users/{username}/events : List events for the authenticated user
– /users/{username}/events/orgs/{org} : List organization events for the authenticated user
– /users/{username}/events/public : List public events for a user
– /users/{username}/received_events : List events received by the authenticated user
– /users/{username}/received_events/public : List public events received by a user
– /feeds : Get feeds

When can you expect the changes to occur?

On January 30th, 2025, we will be reducing the window that can be queried across those specified events features from 90 days to 30 days. In advance of that, we will test this change for 24 hours on December 3rd, 2024.

The Dormant Users feature report will also be impacted a result of this change.  As of 1/31/25, users who are 31+ days without activity will fall into the dormant category and would appear in the Dormant Users report.

We recommend leveraging a workflow that uses weekly or daily exports if you require further historical access.

Where can I learn more?

If you have concerns, comments, or feedback, please join us in this Discussion in the GitHub Community.

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GitHub is now a participant in TISAX with an Assessment Level 2 (AL2) label in the ENX Portal. TISAX is a recognized assessment and exchange mechanism for the German automotive industry, ensuring that companies meet specific information security requirements. It is based on the German Association of the Automotive Industry or Verband de Automobile (VDA) Information Security Assessment (ISA) catalog, which aligns most closely with ISO/IEC 27001.

What does this mean for me as a customer?

For our customers, this participation provides additional assurance that GitHub is a trusted partner in managing and securing their data. It opens new opportunities for customers who require TISAX participation to consider using GitHub Enterprise Cloud products, GitHub Copilot, and GitHub Actions.

Participating in the TISAX program at Assessment Level 2 means that GitHub has demonstrated the ability to adequately protect sensitive information in accordance with industry standards. This assessment level focuses on:

  • Information Security: Implementing robust security measures to prevent unauthorized data access and breaches.
  • Risk Management: Continuously identifying, evaluating, and mitigating potential risks to GitHub’s information systems.

The scope of the TISAX assessment, using the newly released VDA ISA version 6, is the same as the GitHub Information Security Management System (ISMS), which has already been assessed against ISO/IEC 27001:2013. To see the scope, you can review GitHub’s ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification.

Customers who are interested and registered as TISAX participants with ENX can find the details of GitHub’s assessment via the ENX portal by searching for GitHub, our Assessment ID (APC0RT), or our AL2 scope ID (SY52MN).

If you have any questions or need more information about GitHub’s compliance practices, please visit the GitHub Trust Center.

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Recent improvements to enterprise repository policy, rulesets, and custom properties now ensure a more consistent, intuitive experience, making it easier for you to navigate and accomplish your tasks efficiently.

  • Enterprise repository policy page has been renamed to “Member privileges” to align the page title with the current URL path, API endpoints and the corresponding organization setting.

Screenshot of member privileges

  • Repository rulesets now support enterprise owners as a bypass actor, ensuring your most privileged roles across your enterprise can bypass rulesets.

Screenshot of ruleset bypass with enterprise owners

Screenshot of additional repository property section

We want to hear from you

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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You can now restrict pushes into your private and internal repositories and their forks, with push rules – a new type of ruleset. Push rules enable you to limit updates to sensitive files like actions workflows, and help to enforce code hygiene by keeping unwanted objects out of your repositories.

In addition, organization owners can now allow repository property values to be set when repositories are created. This ensures appropriate rules are enforced from the moment of creation and improves discoverability of new repositories.

Push Rules

Organization and repository owners can now configure rules that govern what changes can be pushed to their repository, by attributes of the files changed – including their paths, extensions and sizes.

Screenshot showing the list of new push rules with options configured

Available push rules

  • Restrict file paths
    • This rule allows you to define files or file paths that cannot be pushed to. An example of when you might use this is if you wanted to limit changes to your Actions workflows in .github/workflows/**/*
  • Restrict file path length
    • You can limit the path length of folder and file names.
  • Restrict file extensions
    • You can keep binaries out of your repositories using this rule. By adding a list of extensions, you can exclude exe jar and more from entering the repository.
  • Restrict file size
    • Limit the size of files allowed to be pushed. Note: current GitHub limits are still enforced.

Push rules are available on GitHub Team plans for private repositories, and coverage extends to not just the repository, but also all forks of that repository. Additionally, GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can set push rules on internal repositories and across organizations with custom repository properties. You can also access rule insights to see how push rules are applied across your repositories.

Additional details

  • Delegated bypass for push rules, currently in beta, allows your development teams to stay compliant with internal policies and keep a clean git history. Developers can easily request exceptions to push rules, that are reviewed and audited all within GitHub.
  • To ensure best performance push rules are designed to handle up to 1000 reference updates for branches and tags per push.

For more information, see the Push Rule documentation and to get started you can visit the ruleset-recipes repository to import an example push ruleset.

Custom properties

Organization owners can now allow their users to set custom properties during repository creation. Previously, this was only available to repository administrators or those with permissions to edit custom repository properties. By selecting Allow repository actors to set this property for your custom property, you can ensure repositories have properties attached from the start.

Screenshot of new repo being set up with a custom repository property

We want to hear from you

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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We are excited to announce that compliance reports are now available for GitHub Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise. Specifically, GitHub has published a SOC 2 Type I report for Copilot Business (including code completion in the IDE, and chat in the IDE, CLI, and Mobile). This Type 1 report demonstrates that Copilot Business has the controls in place necessary to protect the security of the service. We will include Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise in our next SOC 2 Type 2 report coming in late 2024, covering April 1 to September 30, 2024.

Additionally, Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise are now included in the scope of GitHub’s Information Security Management System, as reflected in our ISO 27001 certificate updated on May 9, 2024. This certification demonstrates that Copilot Business and Copilot Enterprise are developed and operated using the same security processes and standards as the rest of GitHub’s products.

Together, these reports reflect GitHub’s commitment to demonstrate our high bar for security and compliance to our customers. To learn more, please review our documentation on how to access compliance reports and certifications for your enterprise or for your organization.

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The 2023 updates to our ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate can be downloaded now. In addition, we have completed the processes for ISO/IEC 27701:2019 (PII Processor), ISO/IEC 27018:2019, and CSA STAR certifications. Those certificates can also be downloaded now.

  • For enterprises, administrators may download this report by navigating to the Compliance tab of the enterprise account:"your-enterprise"/settings/compliance.
  • For organizations, owners may find these reports under Security > Compliance settings tab of their organization:"your-org"/settings/compliance.

For detailed guidance on accessing these reports, read our compliance documentation for organizations and enterprises.

Check out the GitHub blog for more information.

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Our newly available ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification report can be downloaded now.

  • For enterprises, administrators may download this report by navigating to the Compliance tab of the enterprise account:"your-enterprise"/settings/compliance.
  • For organizations, owners may find these reports under 'Security' > Authentication Security settings tab of their organization:"your-org"/settings/security.
  • For everyone else, you may download this report at any time by navigating to the GitHub security page,

To learn more about this new report, check out our blog post.

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