GitHub Copilot now available for free in Windows Terminal Canary

GitHub Copilot now available for free in Windows Terminal Canary

GitHub Copilot on Windows Terminal Canary is now available for free! GitHub Copilot Free allows you to access 50 chat messages per month. If you reach your quota, you can upgrade on the web.

GitHub Copilot in Windows Terminal

You can access the power of GitHub Copilot to get command suggestions and explanations without leaving the terminal with Terminal Chat in Windows Terminal Canary. This is available for all Copilot customers.

Get started today

GitHub Copilot is available in Windows Terminal Canary. Consult the Terminal Chat documentation to learn how to connect Copilot and get started.

Share your feedback

We are dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation. Your feedback remains a crucial part of our development process.
Learn more about GitHub Copilot Free and share your feedback on Terminal Chat.

As of February 13, 2025, new GitHub Free and Pro plan customers now have access to the enhanced billing platform—a suite of features designed to help users manage and understand their GitHub spending. All new users, regardless of plan type, are onboarded to this new experience.

Benefits of the new platform include:

  • Spend transparency: view usage for repositories, products, and SKUs by day, month, or year
  • Improved control: set budgets to limit spending and configure alerts to stay informed of budget utilization


What to expect

Existing users on personal accounts will gain access to the enhanced billing platform in the coming months. You will be informed via email and an in-app banner on the billing page in advance of the transition.

Here are some things to know about the transition:

  • Once transitioned, a new Billing & Licensing section will appear in the enterprise account menu.
  • Spending limits will be migrated and renamed as budgets in the new billing platform. For more details about budgets, visit Preventing overspending.
  • While the new billing platform will not visually display historical usage, you will be able to download a usage report to get your pre-transition historical usage.

Other important changes

  • Git Large File Storage will transition from prepaid, quota-based data packs to a usage-based metered billing model. If you use Git Large File Storage today, you’ll receive credits for any unused data packs. For more information, visit “About enhanced billing for Git Large File Storage.”

Learn more

For more information, visit Using the enhanced billing platform for organizations.

See more

We’ve updated the contributors and code frequency repository insight views to improve navigation, allow hiding a series by interacting with the chart legend, and enable viewing and downloading the data as a CSV or PNG.


Screenshot of new contributors chart showing github/explore

  • Keyboard-navigable date range selector: You can select date ranges using either your mouse or keyboard for improved accessibility. The available date ranges remain weekly (Sunday to Sunday), and we will only display contributors active within the selected timeframe.
  • Shareable URLs for specific views: The URL now reflects the selected time period, making it easy to share or bookmark a particular view.

Code frequency

Screenshot of new code frequency chart showing github/explore

  • The two axes are now differentiated by line style as well as color.
  • Data points are navigable and show more detail in a tooltip. Previously, you could only reference the axes visually.

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