Secret scanning: improvements for alerts with known public leaks and enterprise duplicates

You can now view exact locations of known public leaks for a secret scanning alert, as well as any repositories with duplicate alerts across your enterprise. Public leak and duplicate alert labels are now also surfaced via the REST API.

What are public leak and multi-repo labels?

To help you triage and remediate secret leaks more effectively, GitHub secret scanning now indicates if a secret detected in your repository has also leaked publicly with a public leak label on the alert. The alert also indicates if the secret was exposed in other repositories across your organization or enterprise with a multi-repo label.

These labels provide additional understanding into the distribution of an exposed secret, while also making it easier to assess an alert’s risk and urgency. For example, a secret which has a known associated exposure in a public location has a higher likelihood of exploitation. Detection of public leaks is only currently supported for provider-based patterns.

The multi-repo label makes it easier to de-duplicate alerts and is supported for all secret types, including custom patterns. You can only view and navigate to other enterprise repositories with duplicate alerts if you have appropriate permissions to view them.

Both indicators currently apply only for newly created alerts.

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Learn more about reviewing alert labels and how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in our GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

Copilot secret scanning is now generally available. Copilot secret scanning, which detects generic passwords using AI, offers greater precision for unstructured credentials that can cause security breaches if exposed. Over 350,000 repositories have already enabled this password detection.

To enable Copilot secret scanning, select “Scan for generic secrets” within your code security and analysis settings at the repository level, or the code security global settings at the organization level. You can also use the Update a repository API endpoint for enablement at the repository level. Support for enablement through your organization’s code security configurations, as well as enablement for organizations and enterprises with the API, will come in a future release.

Password detection is backed by the Copilot API and is available for all repositories with a GitHub Advanced Security license. You do not need a Copilot license to enable generic secret detection. Passwords found in git content will create a secret scanning alert in the “Experimental” tab, separate from regular alerts.

In effort to reduce false positives and detections of secrets that are used in tests, Copilot secret scanning will not:
– detect more than 100 passwords per push
– detect secrets in media files (.svg, .png, .jpeg)
– detect secrets in language files (.js, .py, .ts, .java, .cs, or .rb) that contain test, mock, or spec in the filepath
– detect additional secrets in files where five or more alerts have been marked as false positive

Note that passwords will not be detected in non-git content, like GitHub Issues or pull requests. Passwords are also excluded from push protection, another feature of secret scanning designed to prevent sensitive information from being pushed to your repository.

Learn more about secret scanning and generic secret detection or join our community discussion.

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Enterprise and organization administrators can now set limits on token lifetimes for the personal access tokens (PATs) used against their resources. These policies mandate token rotation on a regular basis and reduce how long a compromised token is good for, while also providing a lever to reduce the use of less-secure PATs in your company. This public preview is available for all enterprises and organizations, and will be included in GHES 3.16.

Administrators can choose a maximum lifetime between 1 and 366 days for fine-grained PATs and PATs (Classic).
The policies for each token type are distinct, so you can promote the use of fine-grained tokens with a longer lifetime while driving down PAT (Classic) usage with a very short lifetime requirement.

Screenshot of the policy UI for fine-grained PATs, showing that fine-grained PATs must expire within 90 days and that enterprise administrators are exempt

The policies apply when tokens are created, regenerated, or used.

If you want to create a PAT for a specific organization, but that organization or enterprise has a lifetime policy, your lifetime options will be restricted. Additionally, if you try to use an already-created PAT in an organization or enterprise with a policy, the call will fail if the token has too long a lifetime.

If your enterprise has audit log streaming enabled, you’ll be able to track when this policy has blocked a PAT from being used.

Allowing infinite-lifetime fine-grained PATs

With this change, developers can now create fine-grained tokens with no expiration for personal projects, an option that developer feedback said was needed to migrate from PATs (Classic) to more secure fine-grained PATs.

Enterprises and organizations have a 366 day expiration policy for fine-grained tokens by default, so developers still can’t create infinite lifetime fine-grained PATs for use against an organization they’re a member of, unless the administrator relaxes the policy.

For more information, see our documentation on Enterprise and Organization PAT policies.

Join the discussion within GitHub Community for feedback and questions.

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