Over the next few weeks, jobs generating Dependabot pull requests will start running as GitHub Actions workflows on Github.com
accounts with GitHub Actions enabled. This migration will include faster Dependabot runs, increased troubleshooting visibility, self-hosted runner support, and other performance and feature benefits. No additional steps are required, and you should not experience service disruptions during the migration. By the beginning of September, repositories with GitHub Actions enabled should expect to see the jobs that generate Dependabot pull requests run as GitHub Actions workflows.
Running Dependabot does not count towards GitHub Actions minutes – meaning that using Dependabot continues to be free for everyone.
Are you so excited for the Dependabot performance benefits that you want to get started today? You can optionally enroll your repositories and/or organizations before the migration begins! Get started by opting in to run Dependabot PR jobs as GitHub Actions workflows here.
If your organization has disabled GitHub Actions by policy, Dependabot will continue to run on the legacy compute provider. If you want to use Dependabot on GitHub Actions, an organization administrator must update your configuration before opting in to run Dependabot on GitHub Actions.
Check out our docs to learn more about Dependabot on GitHub Actions. For additional information, check out our blog post or previous changelog.