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GitHub Actions: GPU hosted runners are now generally available

GitHub Actions GPU hosted runners are now generally available for Windows and Linux, providing T4 GPU access to Actions customers.

The GPU hosted runners are fully managed by GitHub, with images managed by trusted partners on the Azure marketplace. They are also compatible with GitHub-hosted runners’ static IPs and private networking capabilities.

Get started

You can begin using GPU hosted runners in your organization or enterprise by:

  1. Setting up new larger runner GPUs through your runner groups
  2. Updating the ‘runs-on’ syntax in your Actions workflow file to call that runner name

More information about setting up, using, and pricing for GPU runners can be found in our documentation on hosted runners.

We’re eager to hear your feedback on these runners. Share your thoughts in our community discussions using this template.

We revamped the Enterprise Cloud Licensing page content.


  • Enhanced Usability: We’ve simplified how license usage is presented for enterprises using the Visual Studio Subscription with GitHub Enterprise license bundle, making it clearer and easier to understand your usage metrics.
  • Optimized CSV Download Experience: We updated the Licensing page’s CSV download feature to provide better feedback on the report’s status. For reports with a large volume of data, we now email the CSV report to you once it’s ready.

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