Dependabot will now pause scheduled jobs after 15 failures

Previously, if Dependabot encountered 30 consecutive failures, it would stop running scheduled jobs until manual intervention via updating the dependency graph or manifest file. Dependabot will now pause scheduled jobs after 15 failures. This will give an earlier indication of potential issues while still ensuring that critical security updates will continue to be applied without interruption.

Read more in the Dependabot Docs. 

Precise code navigation is now available for all TypeScript repositories.
Precise code navigation gives more accurate results by only considering the set of classes, functions, and imported definitions that are visible at a given point in your code.

Precise code navigation is powered by the stack graphs framework.
You can read about how we use stack graphs for code navigation and visit the stack graphs definition for TypeScript to learn more.
You can also read more about code navigation for TypeScript and other languages in our documentation.

See more