Code scanning default setup is now available for self-hosted runners on

Code scanning default setup is now available for self-hosted runners on To use default setup for code scanning, assign the code-scanning label to your runner. Default setup now uses actions/github-script instead of the GH CLI. If your organization has a policy which limits GitHub Actions you will need to allow this action in your policy.

Code scanning sees assigned runners when default setup is enabled. As a result, if a runner is assigned to a repository which is already running default setup, you must disable and re-enable default setup to initiate using the runner.

Larger runners are in beta support, with the limitations that you can only define one single larger runner at the org level with the label code-scanning, and Swift analysis is not supported.

For more information, see “Using labels with self-hosted runners.”

Runner with code-scanning label

This is now available on Self-Hosted runners for default setup are already supported from GitHub Enterprise Server 3.9.

Introducing support for multiple GitHub accounts on a single host within the CLI! Log in with your work and personal accounts to manage your projects, wherever they're happening.

To add multiple accounts in the CLI, use the gh auth login command just as before. Now, instead of replacing your previous account, you will see the addition of a new account under gh auth status. This account will be marked as active, to indicate that gh will use it when communicating with GitHub. Run gh auth switch to change the active account, or gh auth logout to remove an account. Further details can be found in the v2.40.0 release notes.

Install or update the GitHub CLI today from your preferred source.

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In early November we announced a set of changes to improve troubleshooting SCIM activity at scale for enterprise managed users. Today, we are making each of those changes generally available. No updates were required during the public beta period. The following restates the beta changes that are now GA.

Enterprise audit log fields:

  • New field external_group.update_display_name: Our logs will now capture and report any changes made to an external group's display name.
  • New field external_group.add_member: When a team member is added to an external group, this action will be audit logged.
  • New field external_group.remove_member: When a team member is removed from an external group, this action will be audit logged.
  • Enhancements to external_group.update and external_identity.update to ensure consistency whenever an external group or identity is updated.

The SSO page for each user also now includes SCIM metadata for that user in addition to existing SAML metadata. Check out what's new by filling in this url with your enterprise and a valid username.

Team membership synchronization status checks GitHub's understanding of identity groups against the current members of linked teams. This allows us to flag mismatches for administrators related to license allocation or other concerns.


Learn more about external group audit log fields and troubleshooting EMU team memberships.

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