GitHub Enterprise Server 3.11 is now generally available

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.11 is generally available

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.11 is now generally available.
With this version, customers have access to tools and features that provide a better understanding and visibility into the security of their code.

Highlights of this version include:

  • Scale your application security testing with code scanning's default setup, which now helps you to schedule weekly scans and deploy across your organization in just a few clicks.
  • The new Activity view makes viewing repository history much easier by showing activities like pushes, merges, force pushes, tag changes, and branch changes.
  • Prevent secret leaks with data-driven insights and new metrics on secret leak prevention in security overview.
  • A GitHub CLI extension for the Manage GitHub Enterprise Server API to interact with your GitHub Enterprise Server instance via the gh command-line interface.

To learn more about GitHub Enterprise Server 3.11 read the release notes,
or download it now.
If you have any feedback or questions, please contact our Support team.

GitHub Codespaces recently released multiple updates to improve visibility into monthly spend:

  • Organization administrators whose organization's codespace usage is paid for by the enterprise can now see month-to-date spending in their organization, even though their organization is not directly paying for this usage.
  • All organization administrators with access to billing reports can now see projected codespaces spend in the month. This calculation is an estimate based on the past seven days of codespace usage.

org admin billing screen with projected usage

With these improvements, organization administrators can get a better sense of how large of a bill they can expect to pay at the end of the month, and remain aware of how much they are billing back to their enterprise.

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