Dependabot will no longer automatically re-run failed jobs when package manifest changes

We're simplifying how Dependabot operates! Previously, if Dependabot encountered errors in its last run, it would automatically re-run the job when there were changes in the package manifest (like adding or changing dependencies). This often led to Dependabot running more than needed and creating unscheduled pull requests. To streamline the process and stick to the schedules you set, this automated re-run feature is being deprecated.

Dependabot will still run jobs according to your schedule, and you'll have the option to manually trigger jobs whenever necessary.

In the upcoming days, Codespaces will be adding the Australia region to prebuild configurations under region availability. This will enable users to have prebuilds specifically in Australia.

How do I get access to Prebuilds in the Australia region?

If you would like to have Australia selected as a region, go to your prebuilds and select the Australia region.

What if I already have all regions selected for my Prebuilds?

If you have all regions currently selected you will have all regions except for Australia selected once this change is implemented. This will be change to ensure users do not get billed in a region they do not want.

If you would like to have all regions, including Australia, selected, please go to your prebuilds and select all regions again.

What if I am already using the Southeast Asia as a region?

Prebuild configurations with Southeast Asia already selected as a region with users in Australia may experience decreased codespace creation time as Australia will now be a separate region from Southeast Asia. To continue to get improved codespace creation time, add Australia as a region under region availability.

Please contact support if you have any issues.

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Learn your way around the command line with GitHub Copilot by your side!

We’re excited to announce the launch of a brand new GitHub CLI extension that’s now available as public beta — GitHub Copilot in the CLI.

GitHub Copilot in the CLI brings GitHub Copilot right to your terminal, where you can ask it to do things like explain how a command works or suggest a command for a task you want to perform. Learn more about the extension in our docs and provide us your feedback on our repo.

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