Grouped version updates for Dependabot are generally available

Dependabot version updates help you keep your dependencies up-to-date by opening pull requests when dependencies can be upgraded. With today's release, you can now use flexible grouping options in dependabot.yml to take control of how Dependabot structures its pull requests to make them more mergeable for you based on your context. Whether you'd like to simply update as many dependencies at once as possible (patterns: *) or minimize the risk of breaking changes (dependency-type: development or update-types: "patch"), there are grouping options for you.

Until today, Dependabot would always open individual pull requests for every dependency update in accordance with your configuration in dependabot.yml. Not only can this result in a large number of Dependabot pull requests, but there are some dependencies which must be updated in tandem with each other or the update will fail. In these cases, the individual Dependabot pull requests would always fail until you manually intervened to do the update.

The available grouping options are:

  • patterns, which will match based on package names
  • dependency-type, which will group based on development or production dependencies, for ecosystems where this is supported, and
  • update-types, which will group based on SemVer level update

At this time, grouping is not available for security updates or Dependabot alerts.

Learn more about grouping configuration options here

Dependabot can now open pull requests to resolve alerts for your Gradle dependencies! If you have used the dependency submission API to upload your Gradle dependencies to the dependency graph and are receiving Dependabot alerts for those dependencies, Dependabot will now try to open a pull request to resolve them automatically if you have security updates enabled for your repository.

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GitHub is no longer admitting new users or organizations to the limited beta for GPU-powered Codespaces due to limited capacity for this virtual machine type. Existing beta participants will be able to continue using these machine types, however no new users on the current waitlist will be granted access. For any updates on features we’re working on and what stage they’re in, please follow the GitHub public roadmap.

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