GitHub Codespaces GPU Limited Beta Update

GitHub is no longer admitting new users or organizations to the limited beta for GPU-powered Codespaces due to limited capacity for this virtual machine type. Existing beta participants will be able to continue using these machine types, however no new users on the current waitlist will be granted access. For any updates on features we’re working on and what stage they’re in, please follow the GitHub public roadmap.

Introducing Learning Paths on Global Campus, your first steps to building the skills to make the most out of your time using GitHub.
Starting today students will have access to two Learning Paths on Global Campus, "Getting Started with GitHub" and "GitHub Deep Dive". The path recommended to you is based on your GitHub activity, and can be found at the top of Global Campus in the onboarding module. These Learning Paths contain Experiences that will teach you how to leverage the many tools available on GitHub.

Student onboarding learning paths

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Earlier this year, we announced the roll out of enterprise accounts to all GitHub Enterprise customers. Enterprise accounts enable enterprise customers to manage and scale their users and Organizations through one administrative portal.

As part of this transition, customers upgrading from a Free or Teams plan Organization to the Enterprise plan now have an enterprise account.

If you are currently on GitHub Enterprise with a single organziation, a free upgrade flow will soon be available on your Organization's Billing settings page, for you to transition into an enterprise account. Stay tuned for the announcement on when that is live.

To learn more, read our documentation about enterprise accounts or about upgrading your account's plan.

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