Codespaces gives you a free upgrade

What would you do with twice the memory on your computer? How about 30% better CPU performance?

We’ve leveled you up!

Over the past six weeks we’ve upgraded underlying infrastructure for Codespaces, migrating from Intel to AMD based CPUs, which boast improved specs.

As of today, 4-core and higher Codespaces now include twice the RAM, and 30% better CPU performance, at no additional cost to you. You now get snappier performance and more room for your processes to stretch out without having to lift a finger. We’ll be rolling out the same upgrade for the 2-core Codespaces in a matter of days.

Save money

If you’re using an 8-core machine because you need the RAM, now you can save cost by backing that down to a 4-core machine so you get twice the bang for the buck. Same goes for scaling down from 4 to 2 cores, and so on. Because free usage of GitHub Codespaces is calculated by cores per hour, using a smaller machine will also give you more free coding hours.

Now your GitHub Codespaces cloud dev environment builds, tests, and shares your running application faster than ever, at the same price.

Note: this release does not affect the machines used in the generation of Codespaces prebuilds.

Give ‘em a spin!

We will be moving the private beta of required workflows on GitHub Actions to Repository Rules to give organization administrators a powerful way to protect their repositories with added feature benefits including unified configuration, dry running workflow rules, branch targeting, and a consistent UI experience.

Starting September 20th, 2023, users can configure their workflows using rulesets in order to run and pass in selected repositories before merging their code. On October 18th, users will no longer be able to access Actions Required Workflows and must use rulesets in its place.

How does this impact beta users of Actions Required Workflows?

Existing Actions Required Workflows private beta users will continue to have access until October 18th, 2023, allowing them time to adapt to the forthcoming changes. During this transitional period, users will maintain their existing workflows without disruption. This ensures that organizations can smoothly navigate the migration process, avoiding any abrupt disruptions to their current code merging practices. Here’s a quick overview of the events leading up to the move.

For GHEC customers

Leading up to October 18th:

  • GitHub will attempt to automatically migrate any existing Required Workflows to Rulesets for customers.
  • Any workflow files that did not successfully migrate will need to be manually migrated by code owners.

After October 18th:

  • The ability to require a workflow to pass before merging code will only be available on GitHub Enterprise plans via Repository Rules
  • Organization Rulesets will enable administrators to define, configure, and manage all workflows required to pass before merging code in repositories.
  • The feature formally known as Actions Required Workflows will no longer be accessible and users will be directed to Rulesets.

For GHES customers by version

  • GHES 3.8 and 3.9 will not be impacted until their next upgrade
  • GHES 3.10 and 3.11 will not be impacted if Actions Required Workflows are already in use
  • GHES 3.12 Requiring a workflow to run and pass before merging will be only be available vis Repository Rulesets

To learn more about how Repository Rules can help control how people can interact with branches, visit our documentation.

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