Suppressed notifications for Dependabot alerts at enablement

Suppressed notifications for Dependabot alerts at enablement time

At first time enablement, Dependabot will no longer send web or email notifications that summarize when a repository is populated with Dependabot alerts. Now, you'll have visibility across all your Dependabot alerts without immediately notifying developers who watch security alerts across your repository or organization. This change applies across all levels: repository, organization, and enterprise.

For any developers both watching a repository and opted in to receive Dependabot alert notifications, future notifications will still be sent for incoming alerts after enablement, as well as for daily and weekly digests.

About this change

We’ve been working to steadily improve our security alert notifications. As part of our notification strategy, notifications will no longer be sent at first time enablement for Dependabot alerts. Notifications are muted across all levels of enablement: repository, organization, and enterprise.

This change does not affect email digests or notifications on newly created alerts after enablement.

Available alert notifications and indicators

Today, when a dependency-based vulnerability is detected, Dependabot lets you know based on your user notifications settings and repository watching settings. You can opt to receive:

  • Web-based notifications on alerts in your GitHub inbox
  • Email-based notifications on alerts
  • Email digests (weekly or daily roll-ups of alerts).

From the UI, you can also use the "Security" alert count in your repository navigation as an indicator for when your repository has alerts. This Security tab includes the count for all active Dependabot alerts, code scanning alerts, secret scanning alerts, and any security advisories that you have permissions to view.

Learn more about Dependabot alerts and configuring notifications for alerts.

Sometimes, due to misconfiguration or incompatible versions, Dependabot jobs for a repository will fail and Dependabot will continue to run and continue to fail. Now, after 30 failed runs, Dependabot will immediately fail subsequent scheduled jobs until you trigger a check for updates from the dependency graph or by updating a manifest file. Dependabot security update jobs will still trigger as usual.

See more

You can now easily find all alerts associated with a specific language with the new language filter on the code scanning alerts page.

To show all the code scanning alerts for a language, type 'language:javascript' in the Filter alerts text box.

Language filter

You can also use a file path filter to see all the alerts located in specific files or directories to sort and manage them efficiently by focusing on a specific part of the code related to the project.
This can be useful to manage lots of alerts on big repositories (monorepos) to review all alerts specific to the part of the code you are responsible for faster.

To apply the file path filter, type 'path:' and the path to the file or directory in the Filter alerts text box.

Path filter

This has shipped to and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.10.

Learn more about filtering code scanning alerts.

See more