More secure private attachments

Previously, all attached (drag-and-dropped) images and videos on GitHub Issues, Pull Requests, Discussions, and wikis were available to view without authentication if you knew their direct URL. Now, future attachments associated with private repositories can only be viewed after logging in. This doesn’t apply retroactively to existing attachments, which are obfuscated by having a long, unguessable URL.

Email notifications sent from private repositories will no longer display images; each image is replaced by a link to view it on the web. Content inside a Git repository is not affected by this change and has always required authentication for private repositories.

Learn more about attaching files.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

We are introducing a new method for incorporating LaTeX-based mathematical expressions inline within Markdown. In addition to the existing delimiters, we now support delimiting LaTeX-style math syntax with dollar signs and backticks (for example, $`\sqrt{3}`$). This new syntax is especially useful if the mathematical expressions you're writing contain characters that overlap with Markdown syntax.

To learn more about using mathematical expressions within Markdown on GitHub, check out "Writing mathematical expressions" in the GitHub Docs.

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At GitHub Universe last year, we announced a total redesign of GitHub's code search and navigation experience, powered by our all-new code search engine that we built from scratch. And in February, we announced our public beta.

Today, we are rolling out this feature to all GitHub users. Thanks to the members of the beta community for your excellent feedback and engagement throughout the beta!

Screenshot of code search results

Check out our blog post to learn more about how GitHub's new code search and code view can help you search, navigate, and understand your code. And if you have feedback, please share it with us in our feedback discussion.

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