Pre-fill form fields when creating a new repo

You can now create new repositories with pre-filled form fields, making it even easier to define the right info for your new repos from the start.
There are a number of query string parameters available, including:

  • name
  • description
  • visibility
  • owner
  • template_name
  • template_owner

To get started you can craft a query string at the end of starting with ? followed by the fields and their values.

See the example below for more details:

Learn more about Creating a new repository

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XL macOS runners can now be used by any developer, without the need to sign-up! You can try the new runners today by setting the runs-on: key to macos-latest-xl, macos-12-xl, or macos-13-xl in your workflow file. The runners are available today to all customers!

More information about using the runner can be found here.
To learn more about runner per job minute pricing, check out the docs.

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