GitHub Actions: Faster macOS runners are now available in open public beta!

XL macOS runners can now be used by any developer, without the need to sign-up! You can try the new runners today by setting the runs-on: key to macos-latest-xl, macos-12-xl, or macos-13-xl in your workflow file. The runners are available today to all customers!

More information about using the runner can be found here.
To learn more about runner per job minute pricing, check out the docs.

The macOS 13 (Ventura) beta runner image is now available for GitHub-hosted macOS runners. You can try it today by setting the runs-on: key to macos-13 or macos-13-xl in your workflow file. The full list of software available for macOS 13 can be found here. If you see any issues with your workflows when using macOS 13, please create an issue in the runner-images repository.

More information about the runner can be found in our docs. To learn more about pricing, click here.

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Codespaces has a number of new features to get you coding fast, from anywhere on the web, with a single click. Let's jump right in!

You can now add recommended secrets to a project when creating a Codespace!
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Recommending secrets will ensure developers won't miss any API keys when creating a Codespace from your repo. You can specify any secrets you need to run your project in a Dev Container. If a developer already has a secret stored in their user secrets, Codespaces recommends they add the secret to their repository. Developers can worry less about setup and jump right into development!

Do you want to share your project for others to try out? You can generate a share link to share in a tweet, add to your website, or send to a friend.
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Want developers to pick up on the last Codespace they had when they clicked your share link? You can set your share links to drop developers into the same Codespace every time by selecting "Quick start."

You can select a specific Dev Container for the share link to create a codespace from! Codespaces detects the repo and branch from your repository, limiting your setup.
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We've even made it easier to embed the share link into a nice "Codespaces" badge with HTML and Markdown. Nifty!

If your users have never created a codespace from your share link, they are recommended to create a codespace. If users already have a codespace from your share link, they are be prompted to resume their codespace.

Would a Dev Container by any other name smell as sweet?

You can now name your Dev Containers! By defining the property name in your devcontainer.json, you can set the name that will appear under the Dev Container selection on the Codespaces creation page. Even if you don't define the name property in your devcontainer.json, Codespaces will still infer a more useful name from your Dev Container file path.
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Jumping Into Development From A Repository With A Comma

Do you want to collaborate on a repository, PR, or Branch? You can jump right back into your Codespace with the ',' key. No need to go to, or go to your Code<> drop-down to jump into development. Just one button and you're back to developing!

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Check out the docs:

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